The RUlate(r) Swing Trainer-The ONLY Golf Swing Training Aide EVER Tested by Golf Laboratories-Increased Distance and Accuracy for the Average Golfer
Released on: August 20, 2008, 1:08 pm
Press Release Author: Larry Whitaker
Industry: Retail
Press Release Summary: Graduate Nuclear engineer Larry Whitaker put his newly patented golf training aid, The RUlate�, on the line by commissioning a 3rd party independent evaluation from Golf Laboratories�.
Press Release Body: The Only Golf Training Aid ever tested by Golf Laboratories, the RUlate increased distance and accuracy for the average golfer. The RUlate� Swing Trainer was proud to accept a report last week from Golf Laboratories� stating that the RUlate increases the driving distance and accuracy of a typical high handicap amateur. The RUlate may be the only golf swing training aid that measurably improves a golf swing after only minutes of concentrated use.
Great golfers such as Jack Nicklaus start their downswing by aggressively planting their front foot heel; he "slammed" his front foot down to initiate an aggressive "post" onto his front leg! Tiger says he \"snaps\" his front knee straight to initiate his downswing. However they do it, the common action in good golf swings is an early weight shift and hip turn toward the target. Leading their swing with an aggressive hip turn helps golfers (and baseball batters) accelerate their clubhead through impact and beyond. Hogan said the hips are the source of swing power. When athletes post on their front leg, their heel lifts, thus the RUlate� keys on the back foot heel position.
But most (99% according to many authorities) amateurs stay back and decelerate. Consequently they can only start their downswing with shoulders and arms. Their "over the top" golf swing includes little or no lateral hip turn, little weight shift. A common fault is that a high handicapper's back foot heel remains down when they strike the ball. Focusing on that, the RUlate� emits a tone when a "late" hit occurs. When training with the RUlate, as he avoids the tone, the golfer learns to post before impact, to start his downswing with his lower body. The golfer learns to aggressively shift his weight to his front foot, to move his weight forward earlier in his swing movement. The RUlate teaches the golfer to use his lower body to accelerate the clubhead through impact like pro golfers do. The reward for a good golf swing is cleaner contact, more distance, and better accuracy.
The RUlate� attaches to a golfer's back foot shoe. If the golfer strikes the ball while his heel remains down, the RUlate� emits a short tone signaling that he or she was \"late.\"
When a golfer hits balls on the range wearing his RUlate, he teaches himself by avoiding the "late" tone. He soon notices crisp, clean contact, more distance, and straighter ball flight. All golfers find such success addictive- thus this swing change is often permanent.
The RUlate is a totally new and different golf swing training aid. There has never been a swing training aid that teaches the key dynamic of the golf swing, the transition weight shift.
To see a video demonstration and more information about The RUlate�, Please call 858-759-6693, or visit
Web Site:
Contact Details: Larry Whitaker, President RULATE Company POB 1638, Rancho Santa Fe, CA USA 92067 Phone: 858-759-6693
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